Marketing is all about reaching your target audience and delivering your message effectively. But with so many channels and platforms available, how do you choose the best one for your campaign? Two of the most popular options are SMS messages and ringless voicemails. Both of them use voice and text messages to communicate with your potential and existing customers. But they have different features, benefits, and drawbacks. In this article, we will compare SMS messages and ringless voicemails, and help you decide which one is more suitable for your marketing goals.

What are SMS Messages?

SMS messages, or short message service messages, are text messages that you can send and receive on your mobile phone. They can contain up to 160 characters, or more if you use multimedia messages (MMS). SMS messages are widely used for personal and business communication, as they are cheap, fast, and convenient. You can also use SMS messages for marketing purposes, by sending promotional offers, coupons, reminders, surveys, and other information to your customers. SMS marketing is also known as text message marketing or mobile marketing.

What are Ringless Voicemails?

Ringless voicemails are voice messages that you can send directly to a customer’s voicemail inbox, without making their phone ring. They are also known as voicemail drops, voice broadcasting, or direct-to-voicemail messages. Ringless voicemails are a form of direct marketing that can increase the volume of customers you reach, while keeping the outreach cost low. Instead of manually dialing each customer, you can send a pre-recorded message to thousands of contacts at once. You can also personalize your voice messages with relevant information, such as name, location, address, and other custom variables.

SMS Messages Vs. Ringless Voicemails: Pros and Cons

Both SMS messages and ringless voicemails have their own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your marketing objectives, budget, and audience. Here are some of the main pros and cons of each option:

SMS Messages


  • High open rate. SMS messages have a very high open rate, as most people check their phones frequently and read their text messages almost instantly. According to a study by MobileSquared, SMS messages have a 98% open rate, compared to 20% for email.
  • Wide reach. SMS messages can reach almost anyone who has a mobile phone, regardless of their device type, operating system, or network. According to a report by Statista, there were 3.8 billion active mobile phone users worldwide in 2020.
  • Instant feedback. SMS messages can also enable instant feedback from your customers, as they can easily reply to your text messages with a simple click. You can use SMS messages to collect customer feedback, conduct surveys, or generate leads.


  • Limited content. SMS messages can only convey a limited amount of information, as they are restricted by the character limit and the text format. You cannot use images, videos, or other multimedia elements to enhance your message. You may also need to use external links to direct your customers to your website or landing page, which may reduce the conversion rate.
  • Spam risk. SMS messages can also be perceived as spammy or intrusive, especially if you send them too frequently or without the customer’s consent. You may also face legal issues if you do not comply with the local and federal regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), the Do Not Call Registry, and the CAN-SPAM Act.
  • Low response rate. SMS messages may also have a low response rate, as many customers may ignore, delete, or block your text messages. According to a study by Esendex, the average response rate for SMS marketing is 32%, compared to 45% for email.

Ringless Voicemails


  • Personal touch. Ringless voicemails can add a personal touch to your marketing campaign, as you can use your own voice or a professional voice actor to deliver your message. You can also customize your voice messages with relevant information, such as name, location, address, and other custom variables. This can help you create a more personal and human connection with your customers, which can lead to higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.
  • Low pressure. Ringless voicemails can also reduce the pressure and annoyance that customers may feel when they receive a phone call from a salesperson. By sending your message directly to their voicemail inbox, you are giving them the option to listen to your message at their own convenience, without interrupting their day. You are also avoiding the possibility of getting rejected or hung up on.
  • High quality. Ringless voicemails can also ensure high quality and clarity of your message, as you can pre-record your message and edit it as needed. You can also avoid the background noise, poor connection, or other technical issues that may affect a live phone call.


  • Legal uncertainty. Ringless voicemails are legal in most areas, but they can be controversial and subject to different interpretations of the law. You need to be careful and stay compliant with the local and federal regulations, such as the TCPA, the Do Not Call Registry, and the CAN-SPAM Act. You also need to be mindful of the do-not-call lists and the timezone restrictions.
  • Low engagement. Ringless voicemails may also have a low engagement rate, as many customers may not check their voicemail regularly, or may delete your message without listening to it. According to a study by Zipwhip, only 18% of consumers listen to their voicemail messages.
  • Limited feedback. Ringless voicemails may also limit the feedback and interaction that you can get from your customers, as they cannot reply to your message directly. You may need to provide a call-to-action, such as a phone number, a website, or a coupon code, to encourage your customers to take the next step.

How to Choose Between SMS Messages and Ringless Voicemails?

There is no definitive answer to which option is better for your marketing campaign, as it depends on various factors, such as your marketing goals, budget, audience, and message. However, here are some general guidelines that can help you make a decision:

Use SMS messages if you want to:

  • Send short and simple messages that do not require multimedia elements 
  • Reach a large and diverse audience that uses mobile phones 
  • Get instant feedback and responses from your customers

Use ringless voicemails if you want to:

  • Send longer and more complex messages that require voice and emotion
  • Create a personal and human connection with your customers
  • Reduce the pressure and annoyance that customers may feel from phone calls

You can also use both SMS messages and ringless voicemails together, as part of a multi-channel marketing strategy. For example, you can use SMS messages to introduce your brand, offer, or event, and then use ringless voicemails to follow up, remind, or confirm with your customers. This way, you can leverage the strengths of both options and increase your chances of success.

Communicate with Your Customers Effectively

SMS messages and ringless voicemails are two powerful marketing tools that can help you reach and communicate with your customers effectively. Both of them have their own pros and cons, and you need to consider your marketing objectives, budget, audience, and message before choosing one or the other. You can also use both of them together, as part of a multi-channel marketing strategy, to maximize your results.