Call Tracking
Call tracking is an essential part of having a successful and sustainable organization today.
What should you be looking for in a competitive and effective solution that really gives you what you need to maximize your venture, survive, and stay ahead?
Let’s take a look at what you want in the best call tracking solutions, and what these features can deliver in tangible and vital benefits.
Bringing It All Together:
Omnichannel Tracking
Today, communications are all about being omnichannel. This is true for nonprofit and for profit organizations alike.
While having a well rounded marketing mix has always been smart. In recent years we’ve also seen the huge pain, and steep costs of relying on just one channel, even if it has been working flawlessly up until now.
We saw that with direct mail, email, Facebook ads, and Google ads.
While omnichannel advertising is more important that ever, this equally applies to customer service and support today. Consumers have shorter attention spans than ever, they are on the move, and are constantly migrating across devices and channels. Whether that is checking email inboxes, texting, watching Youtube shorts, watching streaming TV shows and movies, or scrolling through social media feeds.
There are so many channels that you need to be on today that you could spend all your time hopping across dashboards to figure out what’s going on. It’s hyper important to be able to bring all this distribution and tracking together.
Not only is it important to be able to simplify the management of your various marketing campaigns, and customer relations efforts, but to also be able to successfully attribute your results and successes.
It’s vital to understand what is driving and triggering various interactions and reactions, as well as what is working in terms of making real connections, and converting leads and contacts to dollars.
Without real data you really don’t know what’s working and delivering the best returns. Not just in terms of channels, but various split test factors in individual processes.
Integrating AI with your IVR systems is also becoming a must today. It is an essential component for keeping up with consumer expectations. A trend and pressure that is only growing.
Call tracking and recording can also help feed your AI and machine learning tools to continue to compound in effectiveness.
Being able to track these calls, as well as the journey of the customer through your IVR system is also crucial for being able to identify where you are losing prospects and existing customers, along with their revenues. It will help you continue to hone to get the best possible results at every stage.
Real Time Call Tracking & Optimization
The biggest killer of businesses for the past few decades has often been lagging information. We still see that in some of the most important industries and data sets. Finding out in May what was happening in January through March is almost useless. Worse is trying to act to capitalize on those six month or older trends and metrics which may well have changed dramatically by now.
However, real time call tracking and reporting enables you to also respond and optimize your communications in real time. That not only includes being able to tweak marketing campaigns, but also your offers, and how you are routing your calls.
Identifying & Better Serving Your Best Clients
Call tracking is a fantastic tool for identifying your best customers. This includes your highest value clients (both immediate and lifetime), as well as your most desirable customers, and other stakeholders.
It enables you to track where they are coming from, what’s triggering their interactions, and where they are being lost or won. Which can also help you streamline your offerings and processes to focus on just them, and just what they want.
You’ll be able to separate out, not just the highest value based on sales revenues, but in ongoing servicing of those customers. Which are more trouble and risk than they are really worth, versus those you really want to keep.
You’ll be able to gain more of your ideal customers, serve them better, and avoid burning them with poor decisions that alienate and turn them off.
Stand Out With The Best Customer Service
Although it often takes repeating the same very expensive mistakes, businesses keep having to come back to the fact that the number one factor for ongoing success and sustainability is how happy they are making customers, and how willing those customers are to refer and recommend others.
This really all comes down to customer service. Delivering a wow experience that is much better than your competition is doing.
Call tracking, and call recording, with transcriptions, can be key to really keeping a handle on this and measuring it. Including measuring employee and contractor performance.
A Unified Database Of Your Customer’s History
CallTrack not only provides insights on your call and other ad and communication performance, but provides a single source of intelligence and data on your interactions with customers.
This makes serving them as individuals far more intuitive and effective. You will be able to see all previous interactions, as well as their history as a customer. It is vital for your teams to be knowledgeable when communicating. You want your team members to be equipped to make great decisions and treat callers appropriately. Including knowing their purchase history, track record of issues or complaints, etc.
Seamless Call Transfers With Context
The above also enables calls to be transferred internally more efficiently, and with better contect. Meaning you can get callers to the best suited help, with the least hassle for them, as well as empowering your teams to do their best work, rather than wasting a lot of time frustrating your customers.
It’s a far more efficient and pleasant customer service experience for customers. Making them happier, more loyal, better referral sources, and more likely to convert into sales. While the operational efficiency and reduced friction for your staff not only makes for happier and better performing employees, but a more profitable operation on multiple levels.
Easy To Interpret Dashboards
One of the features that CallTrack is most proud of is its highly visual, easy to interpret and navigate dashboards.
Dashboards that are intuitive to use, showing you the key metrics you want and need most, for actionable insights that make a difference.
Isn’t it time you put the best call tracking software and tools to work for you?
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Contact Info
Tel : +(880) 1234 567890
Mail : demo@gmail.com
Open : Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 17:00
Closed : Sutarday & Sunday